UKGovCamp 2018 Session Listing
Action vs Atmospherics: What makes change happen?
Room: 1A
Health and Fitness
Room: 1B
Open Data for Housing & Landregister / Let's propogate changes of personal data in Government / I want to talk about how environment, national, local and health cna share data better, faster and with informed consent of citizens to improve services
Room: 3
Women in Tech - The battle is not over!
Room: 4
A job description for the govrenmernt chief digital officer
Room: 5
Health nerds unite! How do we join up health and care and all the rest of this.
Room: 7
Role of agile BA best practise AND doing better discoveries - retro
Room: 8
Council budgets - crowdsourcing stories
Room: 9
Hacking government
Designing public (digital) services to take advantage of data portability rights
Room: 1A
Content quality on the Digital Market Place - we audited it / Agile Procurement
Room: 1B
How can we join up public sector tech within a place, so local gov & other public sector can work more holistically for residents / Using a digital maturity approach to making all organisations change
Room: 3
Supply chain ethics - How do we live our values by buying from ethical companies, social value #fairtax
Room: 4
How do we get and keep great digital talent?
Room: 5
How to engage academia more effectively
Room: 7
Strategies to design the right thing AND systems thinking + service design
Room: 8
Paper is dead: Long live paper!
Room: 9
Relationships with and the role of co-ops (Housing, social policy platforms)
How do we help people get to grips with stuff at their pace
Room: GAGA
The Shared Service Strategy - OMG! Let's fix it
Room: 1A
Better Public Serivces using Open Data / Brining data together from the Government Agencies to allow better collaboration and provide better services to the citizen
Room: 1B
Liberating Structures - Facilitation patterns that include everyone and unleash collective intelligence
Room: 2
Complex adaptive systems & public policy
Room: 3
Are Data Skills distributed equally?
Room: 4
How to make the public sector a great place for introverts AND helping quiet peopleshare their voice
Room: 5
Use social media and be happy
Room: 7
How do I get my design colleagues to modernise their approach to meet learner needs #content design
Room: 8
Archiving government on the web
Room: 9
Cross-country and cross-continent cross-pollination and collaboration in government innovation
What free stuff do you like?
Room: GAGA
Politicians must understand Digital / Data literacy for Leaders
Room: 1A
Open Benches - Local Open Data for Local People! / Local Elections and open data - Digital vs Democracy
Room: 1B
How do we make it so computiers don't laugh at our data when they take over #dataquality / Data agency aunts session to help you work through your biggest data problems
Room: 2
Common policy to go on common platforms / Hear about your policy silo experiences
Room: 3
Data Anonymisation - Differential Privacy
Room: 4
Modern tech and old laws - how do we use slack and trello legally
Room: 5
Why facebook groups are really geat and how you can get something out of them
Room: 7
As a civil servant, I want to be more openly positive about gov in negative times, by...??? AND telling the positive stories - sharing the good, times when tech has made a real difference
Room: 9
Managing mental health in the public sector
Have you bought SaaS?/ are you selling SaaS? Have you experience in making these contracts usable?
Room: GAGA
What is worth fighting for (considering what is happening in the UK with Brexit etc)
Room: 1A
The word "Digital" has lost all meaning. It is IT or more fundamental?
Room: 2
Civtech-Accelerator for Public Services problems - sharing and learning
Room: 3
GDPR is NOT a 4 letter word
Room: 4
How do we keep and grow the digital and innovative/disruptive community across gov and make a difference! AND How do we make the bridges between sectors work?
Room: 5
Public services and the digital economy
Room: 7
How does gov build better citizen engagement and a better understanding of citizen needs
Room: 8
Unconferences make everything better. How can we have more of them with the pot of money we've alredy raised
Room: 9
MInd cities & crowd-sourcing idess for visual learning
Reconciling delivery principles
Room: GAGA